+ 359 89 430 0484 / office@murgova.com



The development of technology and the new methods of communication, the ever-expanding national, local and international markets for goods and services, the existence of huge competition between companies and digitalization have posed many challenges for the business. From the dilemma of choosing the right legal form to start a new business according to its specific needs, through the first steps of its passage into a competitive market, to its successful development, every company needs a trusted legal partner.

We at the Murgova and Partners Attorneys at Law know the importance of successfully launching your business as well as developing it in terms of the ever-changing legal regulation which is why we can be your trusted partners, both in the initial steps of your business and in your daily legal services.

Our team will be next to you as your legal advisor in any proceedings before courts, administrative authorities or specialized commissions for the purpose of timely and complete professional protection of your rights and interests.


The Murgova and Partners team has extensive experience in providing legal services to local and foreign corporate clients. Thanks to our excellent knowledge of national and European law, we provide our clients with comprehensive legal protection and assistance, both in relation to the initial registration of a new company and in the daily challenges that every business inevitably faces. Our thorough knowledge of corporate law guarantees our clients that their business is in safe hands.

Murgova and Partners Attorneys at Law consults its corporate clients in the process of fully structuring their business or individual operations and commercial transactions, negotiating with partners, and providing assistance with litigation and administrative proceedings.

In this respect, we offer the following services:

Business start-up and development consultancy

including but not limited to selecting the most appropriate legal form for doing so;

Establishment of all types of commercial companies

entry of subsequent changes in the Commercial Register and the Register of Non-Profit Legal Entities. Preparation of constituent documents;

Consultations and assistance in the transfer of company units and shares in companies,

as well as in the proceedings for the cancellation and liquidation of companies. .

Comprehensive due diligence of companies;

на търговски дружества;

Advice on current legislation

on the protection and promotion of foreign investment, including, but not limited to, international accounting and tax aspects in this regard;

Merger, Separation, Division

and any kind of transformation and reorganization of companies;

Assistance and representation

of clients in conducting trade negotiations;

Preparation of commercial contracts of all kinds,

including, but not limited to, sales, manufacturing, transportation services, operating and financial leasing, distribution, services, licensing, marketing, etc .;

Negotiating and reaching out-of-court agreements

for settling commercial disputes and satisfying our clients’ needs.

The law firm also offers its clients the opportunity for

a comprehensive study regarding the realization of local and foreign investments in the country,

Complex consultations and decisions regarding commercial bankruptcy proceedings

initiation of bankruptcy proceedings; legal representation and legal assistance in opening and conducting bankruptcy proceedings; legal advice and assistance in the resolution of commercial companies.

Legal advice in relation to the establishment

establishment and development of the activities of non-profit legal entities – associations and foundations working for private or public benefit, as well as of other legal entities – commercial representative offices, legal entities having their place of business on the territory of Bulgaria and other entities, registered in the Bulstat Register.


Murgova and Partners Attorneys at Law has a long-term experience in the overall legal service of local and foreign corporate clients in many industries. Our team assists both on an ongoing basis within the framework of long-term partnerships with our clients, and when a specific need arises to protect their rights and interests.