The development of innovations and the improvement of the economic environment pose new challenges for businesses related to protecting their internal business information, know-how and trade secrets. Striving for better results and increasing competitiveness are inevitably accompanied by the need for companies to make additional efforts in their internal organization and in their relations with partners in order to protect their innovative ideas, products of their own intellectual labor and the so valuable intangible asset – information which represents a trade secret for them.
It is undoubtedly worth mentioning here that more often than not the legislation in the field of industrial property protection fails to provide in a timely and adequate manner the much-needed prior protection of new products, ideas and inventions.
We, at Murgova and Partners Attorneys at Law, have highlighted the problems and challenges that businesses face when seeking protection against unlawful and dishonest use of company trade secrets by third parties without permission. Our team is ready to be at your disposal, both at the stage of organizing the provision of adequate and preliminary internal protection of your information, and in the negotiations with partners (within which valuable information is expected to be disclosed) or in conducting court cases and administrative proceedings for protection against infringement of your rights and interests.

Murgova and Partners Attorneys at Law provides its clients – Bulgarian and foreign companies, whose activity is focused on the development of innovative methods and approaches for solving problems, both – in the production of innovative products and in the provision of new services, professional legal advice and advice in the field of national and European regulations protecting trade secrets (including the Act on the Trade Secret, Directive (EU) 2016/943, the Act on Protection of Competition and etc.).
Among them as leading services we could highlight:
Internal trade secret protection
We provide comprehensive legal services in the field, which includes a full legal analysis of all relevant aspects of trade secrets disclosure and handling processes. Furthermore, we prepare all necessary (according to the specifics of the activity of the client) standards, rules, internal procedures and orders necessary to ensure the protection of information, which represents a trade secret. We prepare and conduct introductory and follow-up trainings for employees in the client’s organization, the implementation of whose work responsibilities requires or imply the handling of information protected as a trade secret of the company.
Protection in negotiation and related disclosure of confidential information
We provide an additional set of services to our clients in the framework of conducting negotiations with third parties for the conclusion of transactions or the implementation of joint projects, which involve the disclosure of information protected as an inner-company trade secret. In addition, we prepare detailed and specific Non-disclosure agreements in accordance with the Client’s activities and the nature of the project which is yet to be implemented.
litigation services for protection of violated trade secret rights before courts
We offer full legal services in the area of protection of trade secret, developed by the client, at the stage of court or administrative proceedings in order to protect them from infringements committed by third parties.
Mediation as an opportunity
Murgova & Partners Attorneys at Law is always at our clients’ disposal to provide them with full assistance in court and administrative proceedings, to reach out-of-court agreements in cases of violation of trade secret rights, etc.

Murgova & Partners Attorneys at Law has a long-term experience in the application of national and European law in the field of protection of trade secret, even at the stage where there was no specific regulation in this specific area and the entities concerned sought protection in the general civil law (before the competent courts) or administrative law (before the Competition Commission) order. Furthermore, our team assists, both on an ongoing basis, in the framework of long-term partnerships with our clients, and when a specific need arises to protect their rights and interests.